2011年2月8日 星期二

Story of filial piety in China 24- Weeping bamboo shoots Health(24孝-哭竹生筍)

In the three countries, there is a dutiful son, surnamed Meng, names were, word Christine Wu, childhood mourning his father, the family is very poor, mother and son had each other. Growing up, his mother was old, frail and sick. No matter what the mother wanted to eat, he tries to meet her. One day, his mother was seriously ill, want to eat bamboo shoots cooked soup, but this time it is winter, snowy, stormy, where would shoot it?
He was helpless, could not think of any good way to go to hold bamboo bamboo wept. Cried for a long time, I just feel the body heat, wind and over is hot. He looked outside, surrounded by snow and ice are melting and trees are turning green from the dead, and then carefully look around to grow a lot of bamboo shoots. His filial piety moved heaven and earth. He shoots the mother ate, the mother's illness enough.
There is a poem Song said: Teardrop cold north wind, the rustling bamboo pole number; Bamboo shoots out of a moment, God move peace.

