2011年2月8日 星期二

Story of filial piety in China 24-Jhongsiao duple(24孝-忠孝雙全)

Morimasa Ming Chuan Shen Hunan Road to the thread, there is an only child, named Chen Yunying. Childhood smart, studious, with his father was a good martial arts school. Welcome because of the different armed forces shuaibing father died in battle, when Chen Yunying was seventeen years old, she boarded the high calling loudly said: "Although I was a small woman, for the defenders to complete his father's behest, I have to fight to the death . hope all the soldiers defend the homeland. "We deeply moved and vowed to regain lost ground. Quickly lifted the siege, to victory. Chen Yunying find his father's body, crying loudly, all soldiers are put on mourning, attended the funeral. Court ordered bestowed to the thread as Fuzong Bing Shen, and named Chen Yunying as guerrilla general, continue to guard channel state capital. Later, people built a Hau for her queen of the Memorial Temple.
There is a poem Song said:
Different meaning of the military siege around soldiers, crescent city siege Khan MA; Difficult two-Jian Xue Wai Fu Chou, Chung Hsiao Liufang name through the ages.

