2011年2月8日 星期二

Story of filial piety in China 24-Rather Than a letter(24孝-上書救父)

Emperor Wen of Han, there was the person named Chunyu Yi, thanks to the famous Qi Yang, MD, as a teacher, learned first-hand the superb art of healing, Qi positions have done so. After the death of his teacher, Qi Guan practice. Because upright character, practice time, offended a powerful man, which later led to his being framed, was taken to the capital punishment. Ti Ying named his daughter, though a small woman, but worked tirelessly to travel long distances to travel together to the Emperor Chang redress.She stated the harmful effects of corporal punishment, and that when an official clean loving father, practicing medicine Shi Ren save the world, it is indeed being Wuhai. For the parent is willing to torture. Ti Ying Han Emperor was deeply moved by the arrangement, and forgive her father, and the abolition of corporal punishment under the edict.
There is a poem Song said: Calendar Kuxin father to Beijing, a letter intended to be cut motive; Amnesty edict into their filial piety, but also benefit future generations of waste corporal punishment.

