2011年2月16日 星期三

Story of filial piety in China 24-Carp find ice to climb (24孝-臥冰求鯉)

During the Jin dynasty, a man named Wang Xiang person, kind-hearted. He lost his mother when young. Chu stepmother was not kind to him, often in front of his father, made irresponsible remarks and gossip. His father, he gradually cool. Wang Xiang's stepmother likes to eat carp. One winter, the weather was very cold, frozen feet, Wang in order to get carp, lying naked on the ice. He was covered in red with cold, ice is still prayed carp. Is in his prayer when the ice suddenly cracked his right. Wang Xiang overjoyed, is preparing to jump into the river to catch fish when the two suddenly jump out from the ice cracks in the carp. Wang Xiang was very happy, took home two honors to the stepmother carp. His action, in the ten villages for the elephants. People have praised Wang Xiang is the rare earth dutiful son.
There is a poem Song said: Stepmother earth there, Wang World Without; So far the river, and to stay too lay on the ice mold.

