2011年2月7日 星期一

Belling the Cat 把鈴掛在貓身上

Belling the Cat
Once some mice were living in a farmhouse. They all met together and talked about the cat in the farmhouse. “We can not stay here long with that cat near us. She has eaten many of us. How can we keep her from killing us?” said one old mouse. One proud young mouse said, “I have a good idea. We never hear her when she comes. What do you say to hang a bell around her neck? Then we can hear her when she is coming.” “That is a splendid idea. Let us tie a bell around her neck. Now we can run away before she catches us,” said another. Just then the old mouse stood up and said, “Your plan is very fine, but who can hang a bell around the cat’s neck?” All the young mice were silent, and only looked at one another.

