2011年2月8日 星期二

Story of filial piety in China 24-Technicolor Dreamcoat Their Parents (24孝 -彩衣養親)

Tang has a named Yang who was poor, such as washing, but very filial piety, support their parents by begging. Yang begging people to call him so. His discussion of food, bringing home dedicated parents. Parents have not tasted, although he did not dare to taste hunger. If wine, and kneeled down, holding to their parents, and other parents took the cup that is as up to sing and dance as a child, the parents happy. Pity he was poor and advised him to work for others, using income support pro. Qi Yang replied: "they grow old, if the others work, too far from home, you can not time Fengshi them." Listen to people who feel that he is really a dutiful son. Then the parents died, he was begging for coffin burial. Every first day, fifth, he took food to the tomb crying Festival.
A poem in praise, saying, Feng Qi wine pro to do rituals, singing dancing school Jiao Zi; Wonderful entertainment pro-cited laughter, constantly blowing Amberpack spring.

