2011年2月11日 星期五

Story of filial piety in China 24-Stepmother moved a piece of clothing (24孝-單衣順母)

Zhou Min loss, word Zi Qian is a dutiful son. His mother died, my father knows no pity for him food and clothing, we take care of Zi Qian stepmother remarried. A few years later, stepmother had two sons, to be sub-Qian wax cold. Year, winter is coming, did not return his father, stepmother made cotton eccentric, to the son with a thick cotton, and used to sub-Qian Lu tidbits.
One day my father came back, called Zi Qian helped pull a cart outside. Cold and windy outside, Zi Qian Yi monomer cold, but he silently endured, nothing to the father said. Later, cotton rope handle Qian shoulder worn. Father saw cotton in the aloe, that his son abused by the stepmother, to go home after repudiation.
Zi Qian see the stepmother and two little brother cried, Nanfennanshe, they Guiqiu father said: "If the mother is only one little child by a single cold; if driven from the mother of three baby are subject to cold." Sub- Qian arrangement and stepmother moved to make it repentant. Since then the mother Cizi Xiao Carnival music.
A poem in praise, saying: Min Yin Lang's there, ever complain stepmother; To stay home in front of the vehicle, the third son of wind and frost-free.

