2011年2月5日 星期六

The Crow and the Pitcher 烏鴉和水罐

The Crow and the Pitcher(烏鴉和水罐)
Once there was a crow. He was very thirsty, so he was looking for water. Then he happened to see a pitcher under a tree. He flew to it and looked in. There was a little water in it, but he could not reach the water. “I want to drink that that water,” said he to himself. “ How can l drink it?” He looked around. He saw small stones. So he flew to them and took one small stone and dropped it into the pitcher. Then he carried another small stone, and dropped it into the pitcher. He went to the stones and carried one stone every time. The water rose higher and higher. At last it came to the top of the pitcher. And now he could drink the water.

