2011年2月25日 星期五

Case of old friends on the island of Penglai 蓬萊島上遇舊友

If the mountain is Lu Tang County people. Emperor, the former Shangshu Lang. Open the first year, he served as provincial governor run, Shiren Zheng, the distance people is admirable.Tang Wakayama like an immortal. Brother Don Flow is the Taoist Mountain, was the thrust of Taoist practice. If water had been summoned into the palace, and soon begged back mountain, he ordered to allow him back to the mountain. To the later years, Don Hill of living so long if more and more honest Benedict. Curry Run state and public funds, he also used to buy medicine alchemy.Guests the bureaucracy was, and blood family, often earnestly advised him not to, he does not listen to the whole. One day, one described as thin, withered old man landscape ever to an audience, say that they have an immortal. To see the old man who laughed at his decrepit aged. Hill met with Don if he was treated with courtesy, very respected, he lived more than a month left. Old man talking about all aspects of the matter is not alchemy.He asked the old man is good at something, like the old man's contempt for the alchemy alchemy, like the fat delicious wine, Jane dishes meal products. Although he is thin, can have three or four of appetite. Don Hill for his worship, if ever, there is no tired of the color.
One night, the old man calmly if Tang Shan said: "Your mouth has a hundred people, assets are often so inadequate supply. You your the one of the Executive, the financial resources so much worse, once dismissed from office homebound, food and clothing on what basis? Moreover, the silver treasures of the house Qian Bo, you also invaded by a lot, I really worry for you. "Tang surprised if Hill said:" I control the state has been a long time, certainly good show when you leave. I have often This worry about, but could not think of a good way. If so punished, and that man himself, willingly, only to have a family worried about the pain of the cold and hunger. "the old man said:" Do not to worry. "the old man urged him to quickly put wine, and even drink a few glasses. Tang Wakayama usually rarely drinks, this drink several cups a day. Jingbu feel drunk, my heart was very surprised. That night the moon was bright, the two slowly walked in the yard. Long, the old man if Tang Shan said: "may be represented by a servant, the pot shipped to the medicine room to iron." If the mountain to the Tang in the chamber arranged to send the servants sat down, and the ascent stoves. The old man said: "The class is divided into two pots, pot burning on the decentralization of Tan, the pan roasted like a brick, people can not face it." Then the old man took off from his waist a small gourd, from the Remove the two pills sleeve immortality, to the two pots in each threw a shot. Closed out, the old man if Tang Shan said: "bone proper way you should extradite you transcend the world, plus you have honesty, integrity, love of nature is not angry, Xianjia thinks highly of this particular character. I was too on the real, to the earth to Tour concept, in order to release souls from purgatory those determined to person. see you there hard work perseverance, so come on salvation you. I have become the gold and silver, some to leave your children and grandchildren, or relief to the poor; part of the invasion to cover your treasures of the house used in the silver, do not leave after the bad news. This can only have the determination to get rid of the secular. Tomorrow I'm waiting for you in the middle of the river. "finish, the old man to suddenly disappeared.
The next morning, Don Hill open the chamber if a look of the thing yesterday, Guangcan put lit brightly lit room. He closed the door, and thirty-five guests floated on the river with the board, go to Gold Mountain Monastery tour. To the middle of the river, the river from the fog, could not see anything within close proximity. If only Don Hill who saw the old man. Old man taking a fishing boat, directly to the Chuan Pang Tang Wakayama, Wakayama to please Don go fishing. So if Don Hill detached away. Soon, the river a little storm subsided, the fog dispersed, it was discovered missing Wakayama Tang.
Between the counties of Jian, a Tang Wakayama a farewell letter, written above it all is how to deal with family. Have a memorial, people put the memorial submitted to the emperor. Memorial to the effect that: "Shilu are all temporary glory, the world is uncertain, there is no guarantee Floating Life, only comprehension moral, to live forever. Former prime minister Fan Li had sailed between the Pan-five lakes, because the emperor is not happy with him; stay Hou Zhangliang learning 'Sihao' and faded, is not afraid of the Emperor long endure. that they have leave, and Chen's situation is different. I was lucky to catch up with clear and bright and prosperity, but also by the gift of the emperor. heave already realized the truth, deeply understand the rules stop. I concentrated on monastic, occasionally been the secret of alchemy, I believe, said former King of Huainan, gold can be made out. day soaring, it is too true by the results. I've already attained, then ask for anything more? So I waved goodbye to the Red, wander in the sea, Fuso in sight, non-remotely Penglai Island. I looked up into the emperor's gate, the hearts of countless pleasures of love Love the Lord . "
Emperor surprised after reading the memorial, quickly ordered a generous pension to the family of Don Wakayama, urging them to Don Flow recruited, so that if water and the minister Tang together, holding the Emperor, searching everywhere in the river beach, butNothing came of it.
After two decades, Don, if there is a mountain under the old unit to the Huainan go from western Zhejiang Feng Shi, Tang and if the fish Shangwang see Stanford in the mountains to sell fish in the fish, peace ordinary people. If the mountain to go under the Tang a alley, the twists and turns away hundreds of steps to a gorgeous mansion. He told its in the rest, and asked him to dinner. Under his poor long-term poverty, let him into the marketplace to buy twenty iron bars. The next day, Tang also met its Wakayama, iron bars, were all turned into gold. He donated all the gold under. That under his surnamed Liu. Now, descendants of generations living in Liu Jinling, which also has monastic.
In addition, the phase state Li Shen, the word public hanging, once in the academic study of Huashan, food ran out, to walk out of the valley, actively look for food. Days when the black back, suddenly it began to storm. He is in a rock, which shelter under. Next to the rock, he saw a Taoist priest. Ship that docked in Taoist stone, a village boy standing in the bow holding a paddle. Li Shen Yi Yi to the priests, priests laughed: "public hanging in here?" Words were like old friends like. But they are strangers. Li Shen then asked the priest: "You know Don, if slopes?" Li Shen replied: "I was in the" national history "in a matter of reading his immortal and often admired him." Priest said: "If I was Don Hill. I want to Penglai, a visit, Jiang met the occasional fog, the boat stops here. I Have you ever had a bond, so being here to meet, do not you forget it? "
Li Shen priests took on board then. This time the river fog has dispersed, bringing a bright moon, the same as during the day.The ship was traveling broadly in the air, soon went to the Penglai Island. Diange magnificent church building, everywhere in the sky.Several gods are old friends, to retain them. Which has a fairy, said: "Lee was going down the public affairs manager assisted the national participation, destined to finish these things can come back." Li Shen is also there to the people for the services by the country's economic ambition, do not want to keep here. If all the mountain gods letting him back to the Tang Shan.
Later, Li Shen really made prime minister in charge of the military for many years, right at National Chengchi University. Death, he will board the fairy products.

