2011年2月15日 星期二

Mencius story

Students starting today I will share with you some stories from Mencius. Before I tell you those stories I might as well give you a brief account of Mencius and his deeds. Mencius first name is Ke and also styled himself Zi-yu. He came from the state of Cho during the warring states period. Cho is located to the southeast of today's Cho county Shan-dong providence on the Chinese mainland. Born between 372-289BC Mencius was an indirect disciple of Zi-si Confucius grandson. Mencius father died when he was still a small child and his mother had to raise him all by herself. The worthy mother of Mencius has enjoyed high regard in Chinese history for changing her residences for three times and cutting the cloth on her loom to ensure her child's growth. These two famous stories will be introduced in lesson one we will turn to that later. Under his mother tutelage Mencius studded hard and proclaimed himself heir of Confucius. He took students and troubled to various states advocating moral government and the ways of an enlighten ruler. He visited the state of Che, Song, Lu, Teng, and Liang and met with king Hui of Liang and king Xuan of Che. While according him reverence and courteous reception the rulers of the time considered Mencius conservative and anachronistic. Mencius is a complete computation of the great scholar's words and deeds. That is a brief account of some basic accounts now lets turn to the stories from Mencius. The first one is Mencius and the man and the book.  

Mencius was a wise and kindhearted man and never compromised with evil. When he was a child his family lived near a cemetery. While playing Mencius and his friends staged the rites in funeral procession and burial services. The ideal of moving accrued to his mother as she felt this was not he place where she wanted to raise her child. Later on they moved to a market place and Mencius began to imitate merchants doing business. His mother became away that this was not the place she wanted to raise her child either moving seems to be her only option. Again they moved but next to a school, all eyes and ears Mencius naturally began to imitate the courteous and study habits of the students. Observing this his mother was overjoyed and believed they had found the place where they would live there after. Not long after Mencius began attending school his mother asked him one day what he had studies Mencius was speechless. His mother then angrily took up a cloth being woven on her loom. A person who does not want to study is just like this piece of cut cloth there is no was that he can continue she told her son. After learning his mother's lesson Mencius begins to studding hard and actually became a famed scholar. Unfortunately this was the final period of the Cho dynasty the various states were competing for power and constantly attacking one another the Mencius stood firmly for the Confucius theory of benevolent and rightness and the ideal of moral government. The ruler of the time thought that he was unrealistic and Mencius could not find job opportunities anywhere. Thus Mencius returned to Cho and discussed righteousness conduct with his Gong Sun-chou and Wan Zhang and other. He also wrote a book of seven chapters, which promoted Confucianism. Later generations revered him as the second sage in recognition of his character and his great learning. 
Student's Mencius mother chose to move time and again to raise her child well. She eventually found a quite place her pains taken effort was duty rewarded as Mencius grew to one of the greatest man in history. It is obvious that hard work along is not enough for a person to succeed it also has much to do with the environment in which he or she grows up.

