2011年2月11日 星期五

Story of filial piety in China 24-Mother carrying home(24孝-籠負母歸)

Martin out, the word Fann, Xinfeng the post-Han people, naturally burly, nature Shiko. One day he was not at home, a group of robbers stole his mother. Martin, after a hearing, feeling angry and he took a knife to chase down at all costs. Along the way to kill a dozen suspects, and finally caught up with the robbers looted his mother, his mother and neighbors far to see the old woman tied together. He roared loudly, struggling to the front. Zhongzei see him ferocious, unstoppable, horror scattered for their lives. Martin attend Zhuidi out, ran straight to come, kowtow, confessing his sin.Kneeling down to untie the elderly mother and neighbors Bangsheng, the liberation of their home.
Later, the war flared up, he would serve his mother to the Nanyang asylum. Thieves put down disorder, home of his mother think of returning home. But the road hell and high water, the Sedan Chair difficult, Martin out of time to meditate, to compile a bamboo basket, mothers sitting in a cage, her back to return home.
Descendants of a poem in praise, saying: Risk of treading on thin ice to save the mother, the more mountain shoulder step Jingjing; Numerous benefits of distress perseverance, filial piety can boast a more exquisite feet.

