2011年2月8日 星期二

Story of filial piety in China 24-Parents with a deer's milk to feed (24孝-鹿乳奉親)

Zhou dynasty, has a son named Tan, filial very small. 
His parents were old when the eyes are suffering from eye diseases, and eat deer milk. Tan Zi think hard, and finally come up with a solution. So he put on a deerskin, and went to the mountain deer, deer to get milk so dedicated to his parents, who did not expect to be found hunting.
While the hunter raised his bow and arrow to shoot him, he hastily exclaimed: "I get the deer to milk, to eat with the parents to wear eye deerskin, mingled herd of deer taken in milk." Hunters know that the people are not deer, it did not lay down their bows and arrows shoot him, and his amazed that the behavior of your parents.
A poem in praise, saying: Old thinking deer milk parent, wearing a brown sweater; If loud words, the mountains with the arrow go.

