2011年2月26日 星期六

A good speaker does not

Sometimes, a person can speak, and can properly speak, Shun Yi's say he wanted to say, from a certain perspective, is a blessing, because a have lost ability to speak or difficulty speaking suffering people, Chang preferred to express their own opinions, the same as a luxury, which is on the "in happiness," and that people who speak normally unless the "intention", otherwise it is difficult to appreciate this "blessing" of the Water lilies, a thought-provoking speaker fast story.
One day, a fifty-year-old traditional woman, was introduced to find the water lilies Zhaizhu.
"It's hard to imagine, some people are so painful difficult even to speak!" Water lilies Zhaizhu sigh, he told the discourse reveals a kind of compassion.
She said that when this woman speak, the sound is like a "choking" in the throat, words to get out of the way out but often very hard thing to say it can be very tough, and when speaking, the only respiratory shortness of breath and moving, and can clearly see the pain of twist expression on her face.
When the woman strenuous, off from the throat to "squeeze" sound distorted narrative of departure, after he realized it, she was suffering from the symptoms of difficulty speaking, there are already two or three years long, starting with minor, more later to the more serious, less serious to more than the words out, and when to speak due to severe asthma, and bring the chest and abdomen in a joint body to be crushed and the pain, although looking around the Chinese and Western medicine still can not find the real cause of .
Water lilies Zhaizhu said the woman suffered from symptoms of difficult words, causes in past lives "do not say something nice," karma.
In a previous life, this woman is a man, but discreet poor, unhappy little break that curse, and people like that in the back right and wrong, For mischief is sensationalism, his life, to □ hate, envy, mind, good mouth to speak, I do not know how many made under the "industry." As well as present and future risk of such retribution.
Everyone is only one mouth, two lips, all wide soft words, honest words, polite words, comforting words, words of praise, are said by the person's mouth out. And all the harsh words, fraudulent speech, reckless words, against the speech, defamatory speech, are also said by the person's mouth out.
As for us, what we have to choose that kind of thing? In terms of matter and is responsible for our own future.

2011年2月25日 星期五

Case of old friends on the island of Penglai 蓬萊島上遇舊友

If the mountain is Lu Tang County people. Emperor, the former Shangshu Lang. Open the first year, he served as provincial governor run, Shiren Zheng, the distance people is admirable.Tang Wakayama like an immortal. Brother Don Flow is the Taoist Mountain, was the thrust of Taoist practice. If water had been summoned into the palace, and soon begged back mountain, he ordered to allow him back to the mountain. To the later years, Don Hill of living so long if more and more honest Benedict. Curry Run state and public funds, he also used to buy medicine alchemy.Guests the bureaucracy was, and blood family, often earnestly advised him not to, he does not listen to the whole. One day, one described as thin, withered old man landscape ever to an audience, say that they have an immortal. To see the old man who laughed at his decrepit aged. Hill met with Don if he was treated with courtesy, very respected, he lived more than a month left. Old man talking about all aspects of the matter is not alchemy.He asked the old man is good at something, like the old man's contempt for the alchemy alchemy, like the fat delicious wine, Jane dishes meal products. Although he is thin, can have three or four of appetite. Don Hill for his worship, if ever, there is no tired of the color.
One night, the old man calmly if Tang Shan said: "Your mouth has a hundred people, assets are often so inadequate supply. You your the one of the Executive, the financial resources so much worse, once dismissed from office homebound, food and clothing on what basis? Moreover, the silver treasures of the house Qian Bo, you also invaded by a lot, I really worry for you. "Tang surprised if Hill said:" I control the state has been a long time, certainly good show when you leave. I have often This worry about, but could not think of a good way. If so punished, and that man himself, willingly, only to have a family worried about the pain of the cold and hunger. "the old man said:" Do not to worry. "the old man urged him to quickly put wine, and even drink a few glasses. Tang Wakayama usually rarely drinks, this drink several cups a day. Jingbu feel drunk, my heart was very surprised. That night the moon was bright, the two slowly walked in the yard. Long, the old man if Tang Shan said: "may be represented by a servant, the pot shipped to the medicine room to iron." If the mountain to the Tang in the chamber arranged to send the servants sat down, and the ascent stoves. The old man said: "The class is divided into two pots, pot burning on the decentralization of Tan, the pan roasted like a brick, people can not face it." Then the old man took off from his waist a small gourd, from the Remove the two pills sleeve immortality, to the two pots in each threw a shot. Closed out, the old man if Tang Shan said: "bone proper way you should extradite you transcend the world, plus you have honesty, integrity, love of nature is not angry, Xianjia thinks highly of this particular character. I was too on the real, to the earth to Tour concept, in order to release souls from purgatory those determined to person. see you there hard work perseverance, so come on salvation you. I have become the gold and silver, some to leave your children and grandchildren, or relief to the poor; part of the invasion to cover your treasures of the house used in the silver, do not leave after the bad news. This can only have the determination to get rid of the secular. Tomorrow I'm waiting for you in the middle of the river. "finish, the old man to suddenly disappeared.
The next morning, Don Hill open the chamber if a look of the thing yesterday, Guangcan put lit brightly lit room. He closed the door, and thirty-five guests floated on the river with the board, go to Gold Mountain Monastery tour. To the middle of the river, the river from the fog, could not see anything within close proximity. If only Don Hill who saw the old man. Old man taking a fishing boat, directly to the Chuan Pang Tang Wakayama, Wakayama to please Don go fishing. So if Don Hill detached away. Soon, the river a little storm subsided, the fog dispersed, it was discovered missing Wakayama Tang.
Between the counties of Jian, a Tang Wakayama a farewell letter, written above it all is how to deal with family. Have a memorial, people put the memorial submitted to the emperor. Memorial to the effect that: "Shilu are all temporary glory, the world is uncertain, there is no guarantee Floating Life, only comprehension moral, to live forever. Former prime minister Fan Li had sailed between the Pan-five lakes, because the emperor is not happy with him; stay Hou Zhangliang learning 'Sihao' and faded, is not afraid of the Emperor long endure. that they have leave, and Chen's situation is different. I was lucky to catch up with clear and bright and prosperity, but also by the gift of the emperor. heave already realized the truth, deeply understand the rules stop. I concentrated on monastic, occasionally been the secret of alchemy, I believe, said former King of Huainan, gold can be made out. day soaring, it is too true by the results. I've already attained, then ask for anything more? So I waved goodbye to the Red, wander in the sea, Fuso in sight, non-remotely Penglai Island. I looked up into the emperor's gate, the hearts of countless pleasures of love Love the Lord . "
Emperor surprised after reading the memorial, quickly ordered a generous pension to the family of Don Wakayama, urging them to Don Flow recruited, so that if water and the minister Tang together, holding the Emperor, searching everywhere in the river beach, butNothing came of it.
After two decades, Don, if there is a mountain under the old unit to the Huainan go from western Zhejiang Feng Shi, Tang and if the fish Shangwang see Stanford in the mountains to sell fish in the fish, peace ordinary people. If the mountain to go under the Tang a alley, the twists and turns away hundreds of steps to a gorgeous mansion. He told its in the rest, and asked him to dinner. Under his poor long-term poverty, let him into the marketplace to buy twenty iron bars. The next day, Tang also met its Wakayama, iron bars, were all turned into gold. He donated all the gold under. That under his surnamed Liu. Now, descendants of generations living in Liu Jinling, which also has monastic.
In addition, the phase state Li Shen, the word public hanging, once in the academic study of Huashan, food ran out, to walk out of the valley, actively look for food. Days when the black back, suddenly it began to storm. He is in a rock, which shelter under. Next to the rock, he saw a Taoist priest. Ship that docked in Taoist stone, a village boy standing in the bow holding a paddle. Li Shen Yi Yi to the priests, priests laughed: "public hanging in here?" Words were like old friends like. But they are strangers. Li Shen then asked the priest: "You know Don, if slopes?" Li Shen replied: "I was in the" national history "in a matter of reading his immortal and often admired him." Priest said: "If I was Don Hill. I want to Penglai, a visit, Jiang met the occasional fog, the boat stops here. I Have you ever had a bond, so being here to meet, do not you forget it? "
Li Shen priests took on board then. This time the river fog has dispersed, bringing a bright moon, the same as during the day.The ship was traveling broadly in the air, soon went to the Penglai Island. Diange magnificent church building, everywhere in the sky.Several gods are old friends, to retain them. Which has a fairy, said: "Lee was going down the public affairs manager assisted the national participation, destined to finish these things can come back." Li Shen is also there to the people for the services by the country's economic ambition, do not want to keep here. If all the mountain gods letting him back to the Tang Shan.
Later, Li Shen really made prime minister in charge of the military for many years, right at National Chengchi University. Death, he will board the fairy products.

2011年2月16日 星期三

Story of filial piety in China 24Hit my mother, but for smaller effort, but sorry mom (24孝-挨杖傷老)

Han Dynasty, a man named Han Bo beam more people, nature pure, your parents, is a famous filial son. His mother is very strict with his discipline, a little fault to give the rod swing fight. One day when Peter more in a passive, even cry. His mother, surprised, asked: "always hit you, you can accept, why do you cry today?" The more Peter replied: "I feel the pain hit me as usual, knew that her mother had strength, good health, but today do not feel to pain, physical decline that the mother, physical weak. so sad could not help but shed a tear. does not bear the pain can not be reconciled. "great honor that his mother.
There is a poem Song said: Chen mother love to read body, the severity of the mother is very concerned about the text; Once Anemarrhena deterioration, Dunqi sad tears wet lapel.

Story of filial piety in China 24-Support parents carrying rice (24孝-負米養親)

Zhou, a man named Chung by the people, the word Zi Lu. Very poor at home, often outside hopanes and other Chenopodiaceae wild when gathering food. And Zi Lu to support his parents, often to a hundred miles outside of meters back to back, do his filial piety.After the death of their parents, traveled south on the road to the state of Chu. Chu Mu Kung great admiration of his learning and character, to have a hundred cars Zi Lu sealed to the official position of horses. Home food product to reach the remaining many million minutes. But still did not forget their parents toil Zi Lu, lamented that; Although longer wish to live as before, eat quinoa hopane and other vegetables, to Barry meters outside of the back to support of their parents back, but unfortunately there is no way that happened.
There is a poem Song said: Meters for the purpose of negative Gan, Ning speech Barry away; The body has not pro-Rong, Utah remembering travail.

Story of filial piety in China 24-Ran to the tomb to weep to hear thunder (24孝聞雷泣墓)

State of Wei during the Warring States take out a man named Wang, serve special filial piety to his mother. His mother was alive,is born timid, afraid of thunder, thunder king, when often take out totheir mother to their courage. His mother died, the king take outburied him in a place of silence in the mountains, one to hear theear-splitting thunder wind and rain, the king take out to run to bowbefore the graves of his mother and sobbed told: "The child kingTake out here with you, mother, do not be afraid. "
There is a poem Song said:
Mother afraid of thunder heard, ice crystal overnight sets;
A fragrant when startled, to the tomb of thousands around the back.

Story of filial piety in China 24-Carp find ice to climb (24孝-臥冰求鯉)

During the Jin dynasty, a man named Wang Xiang person, kind-hearted. He lost his mother when young. Chu stepmother was not kind to him, often in front of his father, made irresponsible remarks and gossip. His father, he gradually cool. Wang Xiang's stepmother likes to eat carp. One winter, the weather was very cold, frozen feet, Wang in order to get carp, lying naked on the ice. He was covered in red with cold, ice is still prayed carp. Is in his prayer when the ice suddenly cracked his right. Wang Xiang overjoyed, is preparing to jump into the river to catch fish when the two suddenly jump out from the ice cracks in the carp. Wang Xiang was very happy, took home two honors to the stepmother carp. His action, in the ten villages for the elephants. People have praised Wang Xiang is the rare earth dutiful son.
There is a poem Song said: Stepmother earth there, Wang World Without; So far the river, and to stay too lay on the ice mold.

2011年2月15日 星期二

Mencius story

Students starting today I will share with you some stories from Mencius. Before I tell you those stories I might as well give you a brief account of Mencius and his deeds. Mencius first name is Ke and also styled himself Zi-yu. He came from the state of Cho during the warring states period. Cho is located to the southeast of today's Cho county Shan-dong providence on the Chinese mainland. Born between 372-289BC Mencius was an indirect disciple of Zi-si Confucius grandson. Mencius father died when he was still a small child and his mother had to raise him all by herself. The worthy mother of Mencius has enjoyed high regard in Chinese history for changing her residences for three times and cutting the cloth on her loom to ensure her child's growth. These two famous stories will be introduced in lesson one we will turn to that later. Under his mother tutelage Mencius studded hard and proclaimed himself heir of Confucius. He took students and troubled to various states advocating moral government and the ways of an enlighten ruler. He visited the state of Che, Song, Lu, Teng, and Liang and met with king Hui of Liang and king Xuan of Che. While according him reverence and courteous reception the rulers of the time considered Mencius conservative and anachronistic. Mencius is a complete computation of the great scholar's words and deeds. That is a brief account of some basic accounts now lets turn to the stories from Mencius. The first one is Mencius and the man and the book.  

Mencius was a wise and kindhearted man and never compromised with evil. When he was a child his family lived near a cemetery. While playing Mencius and his friends staged the rites in funeral procession and burial services. The ideal of moving accrued to his mother as she felt this was not he place where she wanted to raise her child. Later on they moved to a market place and Mencius began to imitate merchants doing business. His mother became away that this was not the place she wanted to raise her child either moving seems to be her only option. Again they moved but next to a school, all eyes and ears Mencius naturally began to imitate the courteous and study habits of the students. Observing this his mother was overjoyed and believed they had found the place where they would live there after. Not long after Mencius began attending school his mother asked him one day what he had studies Mencius was speechless. His mother then angrily took up a cloth being woven on her loom. A person who does not want to study is just like this piece of cut cloth there is no was that he can continue she told her son. After learning his mother's lesson Mencius begins to studding hard and actually became a famed scholar. Unfortunately this was the final period of the Cho dynasty the various states were competing for power and constantly attacking one another the Mencius stood firmly for the Confucius theory of benevolent and rightness and the ideal of moral government. The ruler of the time thought that he was unrealistic and Mencius could not find job opportunities anywhere. Thus Mencius returned to Cho and discussed righteousness conduct with his Gong Sun-chou and Wan Zhang and other. He also wrote a book of seven chapters, which promoted Confucianism. Later generations revered him as the second sage in recognition of his character and his great learning. 
Student's Mencius mother chose to move time and again to raise her child well. She eventually found a quite place her pains taken effort was duty rewarded as Mencius grew to one of the greatest man in history. It is obvious that hard work along is not enough for a person to succeed it also has much to do with the environment in which he or she grows up.

Dear Confucius

Confucius is a striking representative of the Chinese people. For the past two thousand years generation after generation of Chinese have all to some degree been related to Confucius as his spiritual descendents. Confucius was born in the Chow dynasty in the twenty first year of the king ling he was six years younger then sake Ling twelve years older then Socrates and five years older then Jesus Christ. The birth of these four great thinkers in a period of six hundredth years is a coincidence unprecedented in history. 
The story of Confucius ancestry begins during the final years of the Shang dynasty during the 11th century BC. The totem of the Shang dynasty was the swallow and the style name of the dynastic founder was Yan Zi, which sounds the same in ancient Chinese as the words for heavenly swallow. The Shang Tang name of the member of the Yan Zi court was Zi and the name of their first ancestor was Chi. Legend has it that the reason the Zi Yi mother gave birth to him was because she ate a swallows egg, the he character Zi- and the character Yi together Knog that is Confucius Zi name in Chinese. Confucius ancestors came from the Chow dynasty kingdom of Song in what is now Shang Du Qiu County in Henan Province. Three generations later his forbore Fang Shu was persecuted by those in power fled to the outside county Chu fu in the kingdom of Lu. Qu Fu is located on the San Dong peninsula at the boarder of the mountains and the Yellow River delta and has beautiful scenery and the city was at that time a renowned cultural city. 

It was here that Fang Shu whose family wealth was rapidly declining fathered Bo Xia. Bo Xia later father Ge whose nickname was Shu-liang. Kong Ge was big and tall a solider in the army of the city of Zo Yang. He was brave and good at fighting. In the 563AD at the battle of be-yang the Lu army was half way in the city when the enemy suddenly let down the gate hoping to stop them in the middle of there tracks. But in the middle of all there fighting Kong Ge held up the gate so the soldiers could pass threw and takes the city. Seven years later he fortress that Kong Ge was serving was surrounded he left one hundredth men to defend the city and one hundredth escorted the city leader to safe territory and he then returned to his fortress and push back the invading forces. 

Kong Ge first wife whose Shi name was Shi gave birth to nine daughters his second wife gave birth to a son name Meng Pi who was stricken with an incurable foot disease. Kong Ge was deeply grieved by this and he later took the young daughter of the Yan family as his third wife, this was the mother of Confucius. Kong Ge was already at that time over fifty years old his young fearing that her husband was unable to father a child went up to Ni Mountain to pray for a son. Sure enough heaven fulfilled her wishes in the year 551BC she gave birth to baby boy his given name was Qiu and his nickname was Zhong Ni but he would be known to posterity as Confucius. The son gaveKong Ge much pleasure unfortunately he passed away when Zhong Ni was only three years old. WithKong Ge death the pillar of Kong family gone Zhong Ni mother took her son and move to Chi-fu. Zhong Ni was a very cleaver little boy he especially like to imitate the way adults offered sacrifices to the ghost and spirits. And he would use clay utensils and roots and flowers as his offering practicing his sacrifice offerings in his play. Zhong Ni mother taught him the rudiments of reading and writing in her free time because she did not have the means to send him to school and she needed him to stay at home and help with the chores. So Zhong Ni completed his basic education by studying on his own. Young Zhong Ni thanks to introductions by some of his father's friends served as a low level government clerk at first he was responsible for keeping track of food reserves. And later he was in charge of live stock and poultry although his status was low he worked very hard even duke Zhao the monarch of Lu heard of him from time to time. When Zhong Ni was nineteen he got married and the next year his wife gave birth to a baby boy. Duke Zhao sent a carp to the couple as gift of congratulations and in order to express his thanks Zhong 

Ching dynasty story

The founder of the Ching dynasty, Nu-R- Ha-Chi was born 38 year of the Jia Jin reign of the Ming Dynasty 1559. He was a distinguished leader of Ming dynasty northeastern ethnic group. The Nu Zhen whose ancestor Meng-Ke-Tie-Mu- R was once appointed chief of the left branch of the Chin Shu way Ming court afterwards his family's power gradually diminished. When Nu-R- Ha-Chi was in his youth he often carried pine nuts and ginseng to Chinese markets to sell and in this way was gradually influenced by Chinese culture. He learned to speak Chinese and like to read the romance of the three kingdoms. 

Nu-R- Ha-Chi was 25 years old his father and grandfather were killed in battle with the Ming army. He inherited his father’s thirteen sets of armor and started collecting soldiers and horses in order to develop his own military strength. He was a brave fighter and an exceptional strategist and before long had conquered several neighboring peoples and consolidated all he other Nu Zhen tribes under his power. In the 44-year of the Wang le reign of the Ming dynasty 1616 he established a nation and named it Chin. In history books this nation the latter chin from this time on he was he open enemy of the Ming dynasty. 

In the 46 year of the Wan Li reign 1618 Nu-R- Ha-Chi made a pledge of hatred of the Ming called the seven great manifestations and swearing to avenge his fathers death he lead an army of 20 thousand to attack the Chinese boarder. Although Ming sent 200 thousand to counter the attack after five days of fighting the Ming suffered a big defect this was the famous battle of Sar-Er-Xu. Afterwards Nu-R- Ha-Chi went on to capture the entire region of Liao Ning , Shen Yang. Strength grew and grew and gradually set down the foundations of the political power of the Ching dynasty.

Story of filial piety in China 24-Personally try to drink medicine (24孝-親嚐湯藥)

In 202 BC, Liu Bang established the Western Han Dynasty. Liu Heng Liu Bang's third son, later Emperor Wen of Han is a famous big dutiful son. Liu Heng of the Queen Mother is very filial to his mother, never neglect. Once, his mother is seriously ill, which can be very anxious Heng.His mother is the one disease for three years, bedridden. Heng Tang decoction in person for the mother, and guarded day and night in her mother's bed. Every time I see his mother slept, the mother was lying in bed and sleep for a while. Liu Heng decoction every day for mothers, each fried finished, his first taste of total and see him for the medical hardship is not bitter, hot is not hot, feel about it, which gave the mother to drink. Liuheng Xiao Shun mother's things, widespread in the ruling and opposition parties. People praised him as the son of a Rensiao.
There is a poem Song said: Rensiao hear the world, towering king of a hundred crowns; Queen of III contains the disease, decoction must to taste.

Story of filial piety in China 24-Father sold themselves buried (24孝-賣身葬父)

Han Dynasty, a famous filial son, surnamed Dong name forever.His family is very poor. After the death of his father, Dong money funeral, the body had to price loans to landlords, buried his father.After the funeral, after finishing, Dong went to work at home pay back the money the landlord, in the case of a beautiful woman half way. Dong Dong stopped to marry her. Dong recall was poor, such as washing, still owes the landlord money, life and death do not agree. The woman left the right bar resistance, said she does not love money. Love him good character. Dong had no option but to take her landlord to help. The woman ingenuity, weaving like a champ. She worked around the clock, in just one month to three hundred feet of fine woven silk, the landlord paid off the debt, in their way home, went to an acacia trees, that woman will farewell the Dong. According to legend, the woman is the sky fairies.Because Dong hearted, seven fairy touched by his filial piety, then descend to help him.
There is a poem Song said: Parent loans hole buried brother, Xian Ji Mo Sun; Woven wire debt principal, filial piety touched the sky.

2011年2月11日 星期五

Story of filial piety in China 24-Stepmother moved a piece of clothing (24孝-單衣順母)

Zhou Min loss, word Zi Qian is a dutiful son. His mother died, my father knows no pity for him food and clothing, we take care of Zi Qian stepmother remarried. A few years later, stepmother had two sons, to be sub-Qian wax cold. Year, winter is coming, did not return his father, stepmother made cotton eccentric, to the son with a thick cotton, and used to sub-Qian Lu tidbits.
One day my father came back, called Zi Qian helped pull a cart outside. Cold and windy outside, Zi Qian Yi monomer cold, but he silently endured, nothing to the father said. Later, cotton rope handle Qian shoulder worn. Father saw cotton in the aloe, that his son abused by the stepmother, to go home after repudiation.
Zi Qian see the stepmother and two little brother cried, Nanfennanshe, they Guiqiu father said: "If the mother is only one little child by a single cold; if driven from the mother of three baby are subject to cold." Sub- Qian arrangement and stepmother moved to make it repentant. Since then the mother Cizi Xiao Carnival music.
A poem in praise, saying: Min Yin Lang's there, ever complain stepmother; To stay home in front of the vehicle, the third son of wind and frost-free.

Story of filial piety in China 24-To give an official, home care of their own parents (24孝-棄官奉親)

Ying Yang Pan Zhongmu people, the word Ani, Emperor Wu when he hayang magistrate. He pro-Shiko things, when his father has died, to meet his mother to either the ministry. He was pleased to planting flowers and trees, Over time, he planted a peach is a way forest. Annual flower season, he always picked a good sunny day, personally helped the mother to the forest flowers play. Year, the mother infected Sigui hometown. Pan Yue, meaning that the mother, then resign instructions from the mother to return home.Shangguan again to stay. He said: "If I lust for wealth, the mother refused to listen to views, you call that son?" Shangguan moved by his filial piety, he allowed that he resign. Back home, he actually recovered by the mother. Poor family, he farming vegetables vegetables, then repurchase the mother's favorite food. He also fed a flock of sheep, to the mother to drink milk every day. In his meticulous care, the mother with dignity.
Poem says: Xiao Cheng Qi Guan Qian from the mother, and go in the sheep farming; Cheng Huan nourishment to the mother, something recovery joy later years.

Story of filial piety in China 24-Mother carrying home(24孝-籠負母歸)

Martin out, the word Fann, Xinfeng the post-Han people, naturally burly, nature Shiko. One day he was not at home, a group of robbers stole his mother. Martin, after a hearing, feeling angry and he took a knife to chase down at all costs. Along the way to kill a dozen suspects, and finally caught up with the robbers looted his mother, his mother and neighbors far to see the old woman tied together. He roared loudly, struggling to the front. Zhongzei see him ferocious, unstoppable, horror scattered for their lives. Martin attend Zhuidi out, ran straight to come, kowtow, confessing his sin.Kneeling down to untie the elderly mother and neighbors Bangsheng, the liberation of their home.
Later, the war flared up, he would serve his mother to the Nanyang asylum. Thieves put down disorder, home of his mother think of returning home. But the road hell and high water, the Sedan Chair difficult, Martin out of time to meditate, to compile a bamboo basket, mothers sitting in a cage, her back to return home.
Descendants of a poem in praise, saying: Risk of treading on thin ice to save the mother, the more mountain shoulder step Jingjing; Numerous benefits of distress perseverance, filial piety can boast a more exquisite feet.

2011年2月8日 星期二

Story of filial piety in China 24-Parents with a deer's milk to feed (24孝-鹿乳奉親)

Zhou dynasty, has a son named Tan, filial very small. 
His parents were old when the eyes are suffering from eye diseases, and eat deer milk. Tan Zi think hard, and finally come up with a solution. So he put on a deerskin, and went to the mountain deer, deer to get milk so dedicated to his parents, who did not expect to be found hunting.
While the hunter raised his bow and arrow to shoot him, he hastily exclaimed: "I get the deer to milk, to eat with the parents to wear eye deerskin, mingled herd of deer taken in milk." Hunters know that the people are not deer, it did not lay down their bows and arrows shoot him, and his amazed that the behavior of your parents.
A poem in praise, saying: Old thinking deer milk parent, wearing a brown sweater; If loud words, the mountains with the arrow go.

Story of filial piety in China 24-Rather Than Tiger (24孝-打虎救父)

During the Jin dynasty, there was the dutiful son of Hong Jiao Yang, fourteen years old when his father often went to the fields harvesting their crops.
One day, suddenly a tiger to the title to his father. Yang Hong wasunarmed, but he deeply aware of the need to save his father, soregardless of their own risk, immediately back up the tiger, the tiger's neck tightly strangling the tiger finally let go and fled. His father, also from the jaws of death, the preservation of their lives.

There is a poem Song said:
The amount of every white mountains, to fight Xing Feng;
Father and son both unharmed, to get out in the tiger's mouth.

Story of filial piety in China 24- Weeping bamboo shoots Health(24孝-哭竹生筍)

In the three countries, there is a dutiful son, surnamed Meng, names were, word Christine Wu, childhood mourning his father, the family is very poor, mother and son had each other. Growing up, his mother was old, frail and sick. No matter what the mother wanted to eat, he tries to meet her. One day, his mother was seriously ill, want to eat bamboo shoots cooked soup, but this time it is winter, snowy, stormy, where would shoot it?
He was helpless, could not think of any good way to go to hold bamboo bamboo wept. Cried for a long time, I just feel the body heat, wind and over is hot. He looked outside, surrounded by snow and ice are melting and trees are turning green from the dead, and then carefully look around to grow a lot of bamboo shoots. His filial piety moved heaven and earth. He shoots the mother ate, the mother's illness enough.
There is a poem Song said: Teardrop cold north wind, the rustling bamboo pole number; Bamboo shoots out of a moment, God move peace.

Story of filial piety in China 24-Technicolor Dreamcoat Their Parents (24孝 -彩衣養親)

Tang has a named Yang who was poor, such as washing, but very filial piety, support their parents by begging. Yang begging people to call him so. His discussion of food, bringing home dedicated parents. Parents have not tasted, although he did not dare to taste hunger. If wine, and kneeled down, holding to their parents, and other parents took the cup that is as up to sing and dance as a child, the parents happy. Pity he was poor and advised him to work for others, using income support pro. Qi Yang replied: "they grow old, if the others work, too far from home, you can not time Fengshi them." Listen to people who feel that he is really a dutiful son. Then the parents died, he was begging for coffin burial. Every first day, fifth, he took food to the tomb crying Festival.
A poem in praise, saying, Feng Qi wine pro to do rituals, singing dancing school Jiao Zi; Wonderful entertainment pro-cited laughter, constantly blowing Amberpack spring.

Story of filial piety in China 24-Rather Than a letter(24孝-上書救父)

Emperor Wen of Han, there was the person named Chunyu Yi, thanks to the famous Qi Yang, MD, as a teacher, learned first-hand the superb art of healing, Qi positions have done so. After the death of his teacher, Qi Guan practice. Because upright character, practice time, offended a powerful man, which later led to his being framed, was taken to the capital punishment. Ti Ying named his daughter, though a small woman, but worked tirelessly to travel long distances to travel together to the Emperor Chang redress.She stated the harmful effects of corporal punishment, and that when an official clean loving father, practicing medicine Shi Ren save the world, it is indeed being Wuhai. For the parent is willing to torture. Ti Ying Han Emperor was deeply moved by the arrangement, and forgive her father, and the abolition of corporal punishment under the edict.
There is a poem Song said: Calendar Kuxin father to Beijing, a letter intended to be cut motive; Amnesty edict into their filial piety, but also benefit future generations of waste corporal punishment.

Story of filial piety in China 24-Wang Yun their loved ones (24孝-望雲思親)

One of the Tang Dynasty who called Di Renjie, from small family poverty, work hard, then do the prime minister. He was an honest, Illustrative-Jen, ruling and opposition parties are respected him down. One of his colleagues, Feng Zhao occasion of frontier mission, the mother was very ill, if not let go, can not wait around the heart is very sad. Yen Kit know his feelings after the pain is hereby petitioned the emperor reassign others. One day Yen Kit out inspections on the way to the Taihang Mountains. He looked down at clouds reach the top of his entourage said: "My family lived under the clouds." Lingered for a long time, it did not leave, could not help but shed tears of their loved ones.
There is a poem Song said: Chi hurt their loved ones day and night God, the mother tears looking mountain frequency; Huai Xiao phase still occupying the country, worthy of Feng Chen worthy people.

Story of filial piety in China 24-Jhongsiao duple(24孝-忠孝雙全)

Morimasa Ming Chuan Shen Hunan Road to the thread, there is an only child, named Chen Yunying. Childhood smart, studious, with his father was a good martial arts school. Welcome because of the different armed forces shuaibing father died in battle, when Chen Yunying was seventeen years old, she boarded the high calling loudly said: "Although I was a small woman, for the defenders to complete his father's behest, I have to fight to the death . hope all the soldiers defend the homeland. "We deeply moved and vowed to regain lost ground. Quickly lifted the siege, to victory. Chen Yunying find his father's body, crying loudly, all soldiers are put on mourning, attended the funeral. Court ordered bestowed to the thread as Fuzong Bing Shen, and named Chen Yunying as guerrilla general, continue to guard channel state capital. Later, people built a Hau for her queen of the Memorial Temple.
There is a poem Song said:
Different meaning of the military siege around soldiers, crescent city siege Khan MA; Difficult two-Jian Xue Wai Fu Chou, Chung Hsiao Liufang name through the ages.

2011年2月7日 星期一

The Bear and the Two Travelers 熊和兩個旅客

The Bear and the Two Travelers
Two men were traveling together through the wood.  Then a dig bear suddenly appeared before them. One of them climbed up quickly into a tree and hid himself in the branches. The other wanted to climb up another tree, but there was no time to do so. The bear was just near him. So he fell flat on the ground and pretended that he was dead, for he knew that a bear will not touch a dead body. The big bear came up to him, and smelled him all over. He lay as still as he could, held his breath and pretended to be dead. The bear examined him closely and walked slowly away. When the bear had gone, the traveler in the tree came down, and said, “The bear looked as if he were talking to you. What did he whisper in your ears? He replied, "He gave me this advice: Never trust a friend who deserts you in time of need!"

Belling the Cat 把鈴掛在貓身上

Belling the Cat
Once some mice were living in a farmhouse. They all met together and talked about the cat in the farmhouse. “We can not stay here long with that cat near us. She has eaten many of us. How can we keep her from killing us?” said one old mouse. One proud young mouse said, “I have a good idea. We never hear her when she comes. What do you say to hang a bell around her neck? Then we can hear her when she is coming.” “That is a splendid idea. Let us tie a bell around her neck. Now we can run away before she catches us,” said another. Just then the old mouse stood up and said, “Your plan is very fine, but who can hang a bell around the cat’s neck?” All the young mice were silent, and only looked at one another.